John Doheny 2022 – The Judges

This year we have 2 Judges for the competition Paul Stanley & Emily Endean. Paul is no stranger to most of the SACC members having judged many competitions and distinction sittings. Paul is the IPF Liaison Officer for FIAP. Emily is a UK Guild of Photographers member and a Fujifilm X Photographer and brand ambassador.

Paul has been interested in photography since his school days. He is an active member of the Dublin Camera Club for many years and has twice been President of the club. He continues to be a committee member acting as one of the programme secretaries and is the Director of the Eddie Chandler Gallery, which is a FIAP Exhibition Centre.
Paul is also a committee member of the Irish Photographic Federation, past president of the Federation and is currently the FIAP Liaison Officer for Ireland.
Paul is a keen exhibitor at International Salons and has gained EFIAP/g. Paul gained his Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation with a panel of Travel Photography in 2013.
Paul has presented to clubs throughout Ireland and in the UK and judges extensively in Ireland and internationally.


Emily enjoys being outside as much as possible. She absolutely loves capturing the beauty of the world through her lens and chasing the light and the weather at its best. Whether its on land or out in the sea, She loves being immersed in nature. Emily has an amazing portfolio of project work with particular Seascape, Landscape and Macro along with content creation projects as well as wedding and Lifestyle. A self confessed ‘Ocean Addict’ Emily spends countless hours outside chasing the light.

Emily Endean
Emily Endean
Emily Endean

John Doheny Closing Soon!

Get your Entry Fee in by the end of the month!

There will be an entry fee of €10 payable, through PayPal to the SACC at which must be made in sufficient time for entries to be submitted by
e-mail prior to the closing date.

All payments should specify that they refer to the “SACC “Irelands Spaces” Competition 2022”
and entrants should use the “Send to a Friend option” to avoid payment of charges.
h. Once entered, competitors will receive a competitor Number and a dedicated e-mail address to
which to submit entries.

For more information see


Here is the results of the Interclub 2022 Competition. This is slightly changed from Fridays video the new standings are reflected in the video below. Congratulations to all the clubs who entered.

Results Video for the SACC Interclub 2022 Featuring all the images presented in the competition.

Interclub Judge #2

The SACC Interclub 2022 is delighted to announce that Gabriel O’Shaughnessy will be joined by UK photographer Kieran Metcalfe in the judging of the competition. Kieran is an award winning photographer primarily in the landscape, nature and architecture genres and is also an official Peak District Photography Ambassador, Formatt Hitech Official Ambassador and Nature First Member. Some of Kieran’s awards include shortlisted UK Landscape Photography Awards, Wex, Fotospeed & Amateur Photographer of the Year Commended. Here is what Kieran says about himself – “By day, I’m a 40-something, freelance graphic designer – while being self-employed has many benefits, it inevitably leads to me spending most, if not all, of the day at home – mainly in one room. In the last year or so, I have found that photography provides an excellent remedy for cabin-fever – when work pressures are high, you can’t beat getting out into the fresh air and the stillness of the countryside. Having camera with you certainly focuses your attention on what is around you, rather than the busyness of the day.” It is great to have Kieran on-board for this years SACC Interclub.

Interclub – Judges #1

Gabriel O’Shaughnessy MFIAP, FIPF, FRPS, EFIAP/b

We are delighted to announce that Gabriel O’Shaughnessy along with Kieran Metcalfe will Judge the 2022 SACC Interclub. No stranger to SACC Clubs Gabriel enjoys and is hugely successful in many genres and aspects of photography.  In each photograph his challenge is the same – he portrays a mood or feeling that goes beyond the image itself and connects with the viewer.

In 2011 Gabriel was awarded the MFIAP distinction after being nominated to apply by the Irish Photographic Federation. Gabriel has over 200 awards for photography.    Due to his success in FIAP and PSA competitions, he has been honoured to judge and speak at major international salons such as the SAUD AL-THANI AWARD for photography and the TRIERENBURG SUPER CIRCUIT and also many of the UK and Ireland’s top salons. It’s no secret we have tried to get him in the past, we are lucky to have got timings right this year to have him as a judge for 2022.