John Hooton launches his first book

Book cover


We’re delighted to share the following invitation from John Hooton FIPF FRPS MFIAP to the launch of his eagerly awaited first book “Gathering Light on the Dingle Coast” and wish him every success with it!



Dear fellow photographers,
I would be grateful if you could pass on this to all the members of your club.
John Hooton  (FIPF, FRPS, MFIAP)

Requests the pleasure of your company to the launch of his first book
Gathering Light on the Dingle Coast.

8pm on Thursday 6th December
Springfort Hall, Two-Pot-House, Mallow.
This book will be launched by Mr Sean Sherlock T.D. Minister for State.

In conjunction with the launch there will be an exhibit of some of John’s work.
All are welcome.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you on the night.

SACC PPI 2012 Results

On Sunday, November 18th, the SACC held the regional qualifying round of the IPF Print and Projected Image Competition (in association with Canon) at Kilcoran Lodge Hotel in Cahir, Co.Tipperary.

Congratulations to Gerald Dunne from Ennis Camera Club who won the overall title of best image for his beautiful monochrome print “A Piece of Peace”.  Gerald not only takes home the Seamus Scullane memorial trophy, but also a shiny new Canon PIXMA MG6250 high performance printer.  Congratulations to all our medallists on the day and indeed to everyone who entered the competition. Best of luck to everyone whose images qualified for national finals next year.

Thank you to our judges; Bob Morrisson, Cliff Hutchinson & Paul Stanley and to Picturk, our partners for this competition (especially to Paul Geraghty who was with us on the day).

Thank you also to the outgoing committee and the team of volunteers who did an excellent job both planning and running the event.

Finally…. the bit you’ve been waiting for…. the results….

Results Page SACC PPI 2012

SACC Creative Digital Competition 2012 Results

Congratulations to Ron Bending from Deise Photographic Society on taking the title in this years SACC Creative Digital Competition.

Jarlath Judge from Enniscorthy Camera Club took second place, with Vladimir Morozov from Wexford Camera Club taking third.

Top three images below (click for view larger) and full results available over on results page.

Congratulations again to the winners and also to everyone else who took part, especially the contingent who travelled from Tallaght Photographic Society.  This year saw the highest participation in Creative Digital in some time.

New SACC Committee

At SACC AGM at weekend, Cork Camera Group ended their two year run as SACC committee and handed over to Mallow Camera Club for the next two years.

Thanks to the outgoing committee: Danny Foley (chairman), Paul Maher (secretary), Nathan Richardson (treasurer) & Niamh Whitty (webmaster) who did such a great job managing the SACC over the last two years, ending with a shiny new web presence (website & facebook), a highly successful PPI competition at the weekend – the first SACC competition to be run online, and the best turnout in some time for the Creative Digital competition.

The incoming committee from Mallow Camera Club now take the reigns and we look forward to another two years moving the SACC forwards and thank Niamh Whitty for staying on as webmaster for another term.

New committee:

Bill Power – Chairman
John Doheny – Secretary
Neily Curtin – Assistant Secretary
John Hogan – Treasurer
Niamh Whitty – Webmaster

Feel free to drop us a message via the ‘contact’ page any time!

Schedule for PPI & Creative Digital competitions – Sunday November 18th

8am-10am Handover of prints.
Prints for Creative Digital competition must have been pre-registered with Paul Maher
Prints for PPI must have been pre-registered via online system
Prints that have not been pre-registered will not be accepted
10am-11am Judges preview
11am Judging begins starting with colour prints and will continue until all colour prints are judged (both open and themed section).
Lunch break will follow
After lunch The sequence of events for afternoon will be:Projected images (open & themed)
Monochrome prints (open & themed)
Creative Digital competition
Tea break
Awards ceremonyImages that qualify for national finals will be forwarded to IPF
Images that do not qualify for national finals can be collected AFTER awards ceremony only. Please do not attempt to collect them beforehand.

Canon sponsors top prize at regional rounds of IPF Print & Projected Image Competition 2012

Canon have announced sponsorship of this years IPF Print & Projected Image Competition 2012 with a whole host of Canon goodies to be won at the National Finals in February!

For the regional rounds (including upcoming SACC regional round this Sunday, November 18th), they have also sponsored a Canon PIXMA MG6250 high performance printer for best overall image.

You are reminded that entry this year to this competition is via online system and with the deadline rapidly approaching (midnight November 15th), maybe now is a good time for you to take 5 minutes and enter.  You can find out more about this competition here, and more about the online entry process here.

Print & Projected Competition 2012 – How do I enter?

This year is the first time that entry to the SACC regional round of the IPF Print & Projected Image competition is via an online system. Since this is a new method of entering and we’ve received a few queries about the process, we’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions below.  If you still have a query after reading through these, please get in touch with us via contact page on this website.

Where can I find details about the competition and the sections available to enter?

Competition details available here:

How do I enter?

Entry & payment this year is via online system which can be accessed here:

When is the closing date?

Midnight, November 15th.

Do I need a Paypal account to enter?

No. You can use Paypal as a guest user without creating an account.

What type of cards can I use with Paypal?

PayPal accepts the following cards:

  • Visa / Delta / Electron
  • MasterCard / Eurocard
  • PayPal Top Up Card
  • Maestro
  • American Express

Debit cards (also known as bank cards) are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo.

What do I need to do if I’m entering projected images?

As well as registering your details and paying the entry fee, you need to upload the images as part of the entry process and provide titles for the images in the boxes provided. Jpgs only, sized to 2400 pixels maximum on longest edge.  If you are entering projected images only and no prints, once you have finished this process and paid online, you are all set.

I’m only entering prints in the competition. Do I still need to enter online?

Yes. For print entries, you need to register  your details along with the titles for the images and pay the entry fee. You do not need to upload a copy of the file. You need to bring the prints on the morning of the competition to receive their competition ID. Your prints must be clearly labelled on the back with your name, image title, competition category, camera club and the unique entry ID you will receive when you complete online entry. No minimum print size, however all prints must be mounted in a 20″x16″ mount. Your entry ID will look something like this “bfbrabaqybr-DPO-0000002508”. Please ensure this number is on the back of your print and bring along a copy of your entry form printed from website.

I’m not comfortable using computers or I don’t have internet access, can I get a friend/colleague to enter for me?

Yes. On the online entry form, there is an option to facilitate this.  Your friend/colleague must tick the box that says “Click here if you are entering photographs for another photographer” and fill out the details required.

I don’t have a card that Paypal accepts/don’t have access to a computer. How do I enter?

For those photographers without access to a credit/debit card, please contact the SACC committee via the contact page on this website. For those photographers unfamiliar with using a computer, or without internet access, please have a club representative contact the SACC committee on your behalf to obtain a contact number to speak with one of SACC committee.

You will need to provide the following – please be ready with this information:

Registration will be then be performed on your behalf. You will need to pay entry fee on the day. As there is extra administrative time for this, please arrive by 9am.

Please note that we are only accepting this form of entry on an individual basis.  We are not accepting “our club has lots of members who don’t have internet/don’t have credit cards – can you register them”. It’s up to each individual to register using the online system, or else contact us directly as outlined above.

I want to turn up and enter on the day of the competition. Can I do this?

No. All entries must be pre-registered by competition closing date.

SACC Print & Projected Image Competition 2012

The SACC Print & Projected Image Competition 2012 will be held on Sunday, November 18th @ Kilcoran Lodge Hotel, Cahir, Co.Tipperary.  Full schedule for the day will be released before event. This competition is the regional qualifying round of the IPF National Print & Projected Image Competition.

There are 6 sections available to enter; 3 open and 3 themed. You may enter all sections if you wish. See below for more details.

Please note:

  • Your images must be entered via online system ( by midnight on Thursday November 15th.  Projected images must be registered and uploaded, while print entries need to have their titles entered.  There is also an option on the online entry form to enter on behalf of someone else (or have someone else register your entries if you aren’t comfortable using computers).
  • Prints may not be collected until released at the end of the competition by SACC committee.
  • It is your responsibility to read and understand the rules prior to entering. If you have any queries, please contact us via the contact page!
Where Kilcoran Lodge Hotel, Cahir, Co.Tipperary (
When Sunday, November 18th 2012
Entry Fee One section: €10
Two sections: €15
Three sections: €20
Four or more sections: €25
Sections Open sections:

  • Colour Print
  • Monochrome Print
  • Projected Image

Themed sections:

  • Colour Print – People Creatively
  • Monochrome Print – Irish Environmental Portraiture
  • Projected Image – People
How many images You may enter up to three images in each of the open sections and up to two images in each of the themed sections.
How do I enter               Entry must be completed via
What are the rules PPI 2012-13 rules
Who are the judges Bob Morrison FIPF ARPS – Mullingar Camera Club
Cliff Hutchinson AIPF EFIAP – Celbridge Camera Club
Paul Stanley AIPF EFIAP – Dublin Camera Club
Closing date Midnight on Thursday November 15th