Thanks to all the clubs who entered the Interclub 2020. Images are whizzing off to the Judges and we will revert as soon as the numbers are finalised. Special thanks to the SACC team Ger, Henry and Tadhg and also Rory for number crunching stay tuned for coming news in about a week.


SACC Inter-Club Cup & Shield 2020 – Revised Format.
This event scheduled for Horse & Jockey Hotel on25th April 2020 has been CANCELLED and now

 becomes an On-Line Event as set out below.

The latest date for the receipt of entry forms and the latest date for uploading images remains
unchanged i.e. Friday 17th April 2020, and Sunday 19th April 2020 respectively.

The Judging of entries will now be done remotely on-line.

The event and the results will be videoed and the video made available to competing clubs not later
than 16th May. We are unsure of making the April 25th deadline in the current circumstances.

All the other details of the competition remain as they are.
Individual results will be e-mailed to each Club and Global results will also be published on the SACC
Website while links to the Competition Video will be sent to each participating Club.

The SACC AGM has been deferred to a later date to be advised in due course.

It is hoped that all Clubs will appreciate that we have no choice but to amend the format of the
competition in the present circumstances. The SACC Committee feels however that it is better that the
event proceeds in the revised format rather than postpone the event to the autumn or beyond.

All Clubs can participate in the competition in its revised format without breaching any of the current
Government restrictions which we all understand and appreciate.

We look forward to a bumper entry in both the CUP and the SHIELD and would encourage every Club to


SACC Inter Club Cup & Shield 2020
The Annual SACC Inter-Club Competition is now a digital only competition.

That the Competition is divided into two
An SACC Cup (for larger/more advanced Clubs)
An SACC Shield (for smaller /less Advanced Clubs)

The SACC Cup would be for a 2x 10 image Digital panels (One Colour and one Mono) with a restriction of two images from any one author on each panel.

The SACC Shield would be for a 2x 10 image Digital panels (One Colour and one Mono) with a restriction of two images from any one author on each panel.

Both events will be run simultaneously with public judging (as for POY/NPOY) on a Saturday 25thth April 2020 in Horse & Jockey Hotel. The SACC AGM would be held on the same day.

Full details including Rules, Closing dates etc are attached and are published on the SACC Web-site.

Club numbers have been allocated previously and are republished for information in the current Rules for this Competition.

The judges for this event will be announced later.

Full details of rules Entry etc are available on the web site



Enniscorthy: Date: Tuesday 14th January 2020
Location Enniscorthy Camera Club
Church Institute,
Castle Street, Enniscorthy.
Y21 Y4E1
Red Brick Building directly opposite Enniscorthy castle.
Time: 20.00 hrs – 2100hrs.

Dungarvan Date: Tuesday 14th January 2020
Location Dungarvan Camera Club,
Comeragh Room, Park Hotel, Shandon Road Dungarvan.
X35 CC97 (just off the N25 at one of the roundabouts)
Time: 20.00 hrs – 2100hrs.

Limerick Date: Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Location Limerick Camera Club,
Room 206, Mary Immaculate College.
South Circular Road, Limerick.
V94 VN26
Time: 20.00 hrs – 2100hrs.

Kilkenny Date: Thursday 23rd January 2020
Location Kilkenny Photographic Society,
Pembroke Hotel, Patrick St, Kilkenny
R95 E40W
Time: 20.00 hrs – 2100hrs.

Blarney Date: Thursday 23rd January 2020
Location Blarney Photography Club,
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Shean Lower,
Blarney T23 WP23 Time: 20.00 hrs – 2100hrs.

POTY / NPOTY 2020 Jan 25th – Entry closing 24/11/19

The POTY and NPOTY closing date for 2020 is fast approaching and this year we will have some major changes to the running of the competition. Closing date for entry is 24/11/19. The plan this year is to run both competitions on the same day  Sat Jan 25 with the POTY in the morning and NPOTY in the afternoon. To facilitate this change prints for entry will be collected in advance of the competition and we are currently organising several locations so that we can save members travelling huge distances in order to enter. Judges for the SACC competition are Dominic Reddin, Des Clinton and Michelle La Grue.

Collection points will be listed early in January to collect prints and are to include Killarney, Blarney, Limerick, Kilkenny & Dungarvan with more to come. It’s never been easier to enter set up your entry on the IPF site links below and we will announce dates for easy collection points around the region.

Categories are listed below and you can click the POTY or NPOTY to enter or go to the competitions page.


1. OPEN Colour Print (CP) – up to four entries.

2. OPEN Monochrome Print (MP) – up to four entries.
3. OPEN Colour PDI (CPDI) – up to four entries.
4. OPEN Monochrome PDI (MPDI) – up to four entries.


1.Print (PA) Mammals and Marine – up to four entries.
2. Print (PB) Birds – up to four entries.
3. PDI (PDIA) Invertebrates – up to four entries.
4. PDI (PDIB) Flora & Fungi – up to four entries



The Irish Photographic Federation National Shield for 2019




The Irish Photographic Federation National Shield for 2019 takes place in Kilkenny and is proudly hosted by Kilkenny Photographic Society. Kilkenny Photographic Society would like to extend a warm welcome you to this year’s venue, Hotel Kilkenny, College Road, Kilkenny, R95 KPO8 and to also welcome our judges for this most difficult task! Our judges on the day are:

Ms Ann Cassidy MFA, FRPS, FIPF, AFIAP,
Mr Bob Given MPAGB, BPE3*, LBIPP


The Irish Photographic Federation are once again delighted to welcome back Sheldon Long and his Company Fine Art Papers as sponsors for this year’s National Shield. Fine Art Papers are the leading supplier of papers by Canson, Hahnemuhle, Fuji, Epson and St. Cuthbert’s in Ireland and are a fully accredited Gold, Epson Pro Partner for the supply of Epson printers and inks. You can check them out on the following link:


In addition, Sheldon has a bespoke printing and framing service which he runs together with Framing Direct in Glenageary, Co. Dublin. He is also available for printing and training workshops on both a club and individual level. Sheldon has had a long track record in supporting the IPF National Shield and acknowledges the efforts put in by nearly thirty clubs every year to showcase the works of their non-advanced members. In his own words, “it is fantastic to see camera club members grow from their initial involvement with the Shield to advance members competing on the world stage”.


Many members have their work first exhibited at the National Shield and it is important that as many clubs as possible compete as Sheldon feels it brings out the competitive streak in some, the building of friendships in others and a familiarity with major competition that helps raise the standard and promote photography in Ireland. Even if you or your club does not compete you should make a point of attending the IPF National Shield at the Hotel Kilkenny, College Road, Kilkenny on the 17th November next. Our sponsor Sheldon Long and his Company Fine Art Papers will be on hand with a large selection of fine art papers and other photographic supply’s on the day.

We are delighted to welcome Bernard Geraghty and Ian Carruthers to Kilkenny, two of Irelands leading landscape and astrophotography photographers who will be giving presentations during the course of the day. First up will be Bernard who will be presenting a selection of stunning images of his travel in Ireland, Iceland, Faroe Island, Isle of Skye, and many other places. Bernard’s presentation takes place at 10:00am.

Bernard Geraghty is a professional landscape photographer and the founder of Bernard Geraghty Landscape Tours, taking groups of photographers from around the world, all over the world. Having only found photography in late 2015, although always having a keen interest in hiking from a very young age, it was only when he got his first camera that the hiking adventures became truly fulfilling. After spending a year chasing sunrises, sunsets and the stars at night, Bernard quickly realised he found his calling.

Photography gave Bernard both the easiest and hardest decisions he’s ever had to make in life, the latter, the fact he worked as a plumber in a steady job, making a decent living, but the easy decision knowing that, with hard work, landscape photography is exactly what he wanted to turn into a career. Now in his 3rd year of business, Bernard’s job has taken him all over Ireland, North to Iceland, Norway, the Arctic Circle, Scotland and the Faroe Islands, South, to the Italian Dolomites, Tenerife, Switzerland and Africa and West to the U.S and Canada.

Bernard’s inspiration for being outdoors and travelling has many factors, he truly believes spending time outdoors can act as a medicine in a battle against mental health, while out shooting, taking time to sit or stand and enjoy the sounds around him and the priceless reaction of clients when shooting the likes of sunrises/sunsets, the Northern Lights and the Milky Way Galactic Core. Bernard is a brand ambassador for some of the biggest companies in photography like Manfrotto, Hahnel Industries and Formatt Hitech filters. More information:

Our second presentation of the day will be Ian Carruthers at 13:30pm. Ian will  Present ‘Severe Weather and Astrophotography’. His main area of interest Meteorology, Astrophotography, Landscapes with a special interest in capturing rare events.

Ian have been serious about photography since 2012, however the passion behind it all was there ever since holding film cameras when he was young. Ian has a BSc in Mathematical science. His main areas of interest would be landscape, meteorology and astrophotography, with a particular interest in capturing rare events. Ian loves the planning, research and the finer details of getting a shot. Ian’s travels have taken him to America to study/chase severe storms including tornadoes, to the Isle of Skye to experience its stunning landscape, Iceland and the arctic for the aurora borealis and to Tenerife to witness the clear dark sky in all its glory.

In his spare time, he runs a weather page called Irish Weather Online which has close to 130k followers. His role on the page is short range forecasting, issuing short term forecasts and alerts for severe weather eg- Thunderstorms, Windstorms, Snowstorms and flooding. His photography work has featured in various forms of media including books, exhibitions and more recently got to tick off a long-time goal in which he won featured image of the month in BBC’s Sky At Night Magazine. Ian strives to get people interested in the outdoors and more especially, the night sky. Some of his photography goals for the future are to a) Go photograph an active volcano and b) to publish a book about the night skies of Ireland. More information:

Timetable IPF National Shield 2019

8:00am to 9:15am:

Registration and hanging of MONO Prints
All Mono Images must be in place by 9.30am


Judging of Mono images (No entry to room – restricted area)

10:00am to 11:30am:

1st Presentation by Bernard Geraghty Landscape Tours
A selection of stunning images of his travel in Ireland, Iceland, Faroe Island, Isle of Skye, and many other places.

Main Room will open once judging is completed from 11.30am to 13:30pm:

Viewing of Mono Images and Hanging of Colour Prints – All Colour Images must be in place by 13.30am

12:30pm to 13:30pm:

Lunch – Time to meet friends and have a chat


Judging of Colour images (No entry to room – restricted area)

13:30pm to 15:00pm

2nd Presentation ‘Severe Weather and Astrophotography’ by Ian Carruthers
His main area of interest Meteorology, Astrophotography, Landscapes with a special interest in capturing rare events.

15:00pm to 16:00pm

Judges’ Comments

As in all IPF competitions, scoring is carried out separately by the judges whose scores are then totalled at the end of judging. Judging will be done in private, however, judges will provide commentary prior to the awards ceremony.

Our judges for the National Shield 2019 are:

Ms Ann Cassidy MFA, FRPS, FIPF, AFIAP,
Mr Bob Given MPAGB, BPE3*, LBIPP


Awards Ceremony
Awards and certificates will be presented to winning clubs.


The POTY and NPOTY for 2020 is fast approaching and this year we will have some major changes to the running of the competition. Further details will be announced shortly. Entry will open 25/10/19 and closing date will be 24/11/19. The plan this year is to run both competitions on the same day  Sat Jan 25 with the POTY in the morning and NPOTY in the afternoon. To facilitate this change prints for entry will be collected in advance of the competition and we are currently organising several locations so that we can save members travelling huge distances in order to enter. Judges for the SACC competition are Dominic Reddin, Des Clinton and Michelle La Grue

Categories are listed below and you can click the POTY or NPOTY to enter or go to the competitions page.


1. OPEN Colour Print (CP) – up to four entries.

2. OPEN Monochrome Print (MP) – up to four entries.
3. OPEN Colour PDI (CPDI) – up to four entries.
4. OPEN Monochrome PDI (MPDI) – up to four entries.


1.Print (PA) Mammals and Marine – up to four entries.
2. Print (PB) Birds – up to four entries.
3. PDI (PDIA) Invertebrates – up to four entries.
4. PDI (PDIB) Flora & Fungi – up to four entries