The SACC Interclub Comeptition 2015 will be held on Sunday March 29th at Loreto Secondary School, Granges Road, Kilkenny.
Rules and entry fees are unchanged since last year and may be viewed on this link. In summary, panels are presented as colour print, monochrome print and projected image. A club may enter one, two or all three panels with ten images per panel. No photographer may be represented more then twice on any given panel. Prints MUST fit on the panel boards.
Entry fee remains the same as last year.
One panel: €20
Two panels: €30
Three panels: €40
What do my club need to do to enter?
Step 1 – Register & Pay by March 19th
Due to the logistics involved in arranging access to and transporting the panel boards, we need all participating clubs to complete registration below by Thursday March 19th. So the first thing you need to do it to tell us you are entering (and which sections you are entering) and pay the entry fee either via Paypal or by sending a cheque to our treasurer Liam at his address below.
[si-contact-form form=’9′]
Payment can also be made by cheque to Liam Cahill, SACC Treasurer at the address below. Please include club name, club website, contact name, contact number and contact email address with all correspondence.
Liam Cahill,
SACC Treasurer,
1 The Meadows,
Co. Kilkenny
Step 2 – Email completed entry form by March 27th
Entry forms (the details of the images being submitted – titles and authors) need to be with us by Friday March 27th. The entry form for 2015 can be downloaded via this link. Please complete, save and mail a copy to by Friday March 27th 2015. Please study the rules before submitting!
• Pack double-sided sticky velcro
Lots of it! You’ll need double-sided sticky velcro to attach your prints to the panel boards.
• Watch out for mount size
Maximum mount size is 20 x 16 inches. The dimensions of the panel boards are 8 x 4 feet (96 x 48 inches). Please note that if you are using the maximum size mount, and all mounts on any row are landscape oriented, they are not going to fit on the panel boards. You need to either adjust the layout of your panel, or use slightly smaller mounts.
• Hang panels
We’ll be announcing schedule for the day shortly.
• What to bring on competition day?
• For Print Panels:
• Prints & velcro. Measuring tapes, levels, laser pointers etc optional!
• Printed thumbnail view of each overall print panel layout – A4 print ideal on any kind of paper
• Jpg of thumbnail view of each overall panel layout on disc or memory stick
• Jpegs of each image on each print panel (sized to 1024 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick
• For Projected Panels:
• Jpg of thumbnail view of projected panel layout (x2, one with name of club included, the other without) on disc or memory stick
• Digital jpgs of each image on projected panel (sized to 2400 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick, numbered 1-10
For any issues or queries, please use the contact form on our website and a member of the committee will be in touch.
Please note that only members of paid up clubs will have access to SACC competitions and only paid up clubs will be eligible to enter SACC Interclub Competition. Please refer to fees page to pay your 2015 club fees and provide contact details for your club.