Interclub 2018 Results

Amazing images on display at the SACC  2018 Interclub Competition in Blarney.

Congratulations to all the clubs that entered and hopefully you learned a lot from the participation. Thank you to all who attended the SACC AGM after the competition. Ideas for rebooting the Interclub Competition and adjusting the format will be circulated in the coming months. And here are the results……


Colour Print

  1. Blarney Photography Club
  2. Mallow Camera Club
  3. Blackwater Photographic Society

Mono Print

  1. Blarney Photography Club
  2. Kilkenny Photographic Society
  3. Cork Camera Group


  1. Blarney Photography Club
  2. Kilkenny Photographic Society
  3. Mallow Camera Club

Overall Combined Result

  1. Blarney Photography Club
  2. Cork Camera Group
  3. Mallow Camera Club

Individual Awards 

Best Colour Print – “Beautiful Desire”  – Bill Power – Blarney Photography Club

Best Mono Print – “Hover” – Niall Brownen – Cork Camera Group

Best Projected Image –  “Cherub” – Bill Power – Blarney Photography Club

Best Overall image  – “Hover” Niall Brownen – Cork Camera Group


Further result details here-


Interclub 2018 Fantastic Day – Amazing images!

The SACC held its Interclub 2018 yesterday in the quaint village setting of Blarney outside Cork City. There was nothing quaint about the 230 images that were displayed scored and judged by 3 judges based in Dublin and the North East.  There was a fantastic attendance to view the exhibition of images,  look at the latest equipment from the Hahnel group and Paddy Barker Photographic as well an amazing talk by Kinsale based photographer John Collins. Blarney Photography Club took all of the spoils in Club categories and individual awards went to Bill Power, Blarney Photography Club  and Niall Brownen,  Cork Camera Group who also won the overall image of the year. Full results will be published soon but here are a few images to remember the day!

SACC Interclub 2018 Schedule of Events


Timtable of Events  – Sunday April 8th. Blarney, Co.Cork.

John Collins Photography

  • 09:00 – 10:30 Hanging Panels.
  • 11:00 – 13:00 Judging (Gallery closed to public)
  • 10.00 – 15.00 Equipment Display by Hahnel.
  • 11.00 – 12.45 John Collins  – Guest Presentation.
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break (Print Gallery open 13.30 for public viewing)
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Results, judges review and presentation of awards.
  • 15.00 – 16.00 SACC AGM


Directions for Venue Click Here

Special Thanks to Hahnel – Sponsor of the 2018 SACC Interclub Competition

SACC Interclub 2018 – Now Open for Entries

The SACC Interclub Competition 2018 will be held on Sunday April 8th at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, 1 Old Blarney Road, Shean Lower, Blarney, Cork.

Rules are unchanged since last year and may be viewed on this link. There will be three distinct sections, colour print, monochrome print and projected image sections. Each club may enter a panel of ten images in each section.  A club may enter one, two or three sections. No photographer may be represented more than twice on any particular panel. 

We would love to see ALL clubs in the region taking part in the competition! 

Don’t forget that a major part of this event is the public exhibition, after judging has concluded, and representing your club on a panel is a very proud moment for every photographer.

The entry fee to this competition has remained unchanged from last year.  The fees are:

€30 for one panel
€40 for two panels
€50 for all three panels

Our judges for his years are:

  • Helen Hanafin  AIPF, EFIAP
  • Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP EsFIAP
  • Judy Boyle FIPF FRPS EFIAP

What does my club need to do to enter?

Step 1 – Register & Pay by midnight March 28th (Wednesday)

a. Register

All participating clubs are required to complete their registration (see below) by Wednesday March 28th 2018. To register your entry you need to download/complete the Registration Form here and return it to

b. Pay

All participating clubs can pay: 

(1) By Cheque

Cheques should be made payable to SACC and sent to our Treasurer Tadhg Hurley at his address below.


(2) By PayPal.

If you wish to pay by PayPal, you should send an email to Tadhg 

( ) who will send you a link, which you can use to pay your club entry fee through your PayPal account.

Tadhg Hurley, Treasurer SACC, 48 Castleowen, Blarney, Co Cork.

Please include club name, club website, contact name, contact number and contact email address with all correspondence.

Step 2 – Email completed entry form by April 1st 

Entry forms (the details of the images being submitted – titles and authors) need to be with us by Sunday April 1st. The entry form for 2018 can be downloaded via this link. Please complete, save and email a copy to by Sunday April 1st 2018.

Please study the rules before submitting!

Event Schedule

  • 09:00 – 10:30 Hanging Panels.
  • 11:00 – 13:00 Judging (Gallery closed to public)
  • 10.00 – 15.00 Equipment Display by Hahnel.
  • 11.00 – 12.45 John Collins  – Guest Presentation.
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break (Print Gallery open 13.30 for public viewing)
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Results, judges review and presentation of awards.
  • 15.00 – 16.00 SACC AGM

What to bring on competition day:

a. For Print Panels:

  • Prints!
  • Printed thumbnail view of each overall print panel layout – A4 print ideal on any kind of paper.
  • Jpg of thumbnail view of each overall panel layout on disc or memory stick.
  • Jpgs of each image on each print panel (sized to 1024 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick

b. For Projected Panels:

  • Jpg of thumbnail view of projected panel layout (x2, one with name of club included, the other without) on disc or memory stick.
  • Digital jpgs of each image on projected panel (sized to 2400 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick, numbered 1-10.

Registration Issues or Queries

For any issues or queries, please use the contact form on our website and a member of the committee will contact you.

Please note that only members of paid up clubs will have access to SACC competitions and only paid up clubs will be eligible to enter SACC Interclub Competition. Please refer to fees page to pay your 2018 club fees and provide contact details for your club.

Rules For the SACC 2018 Interclub Competition

1.1 The SACC Interclub Competition is an interclub competition open to all clubs in good standing with the Southern Association of Camera Clubs.

2. Conditions of Entry

  1. 2.1  To compete, a club must submit a panel of ten monochrome prints and/or a panel of ten colour prints and/or a panel of ten digitally projected images. Clubs may also include two additional images per panel to act as substitutes in case of disqualified images.
  2. 2.2  The overall award will be presented to the club with the highest combined panel scores for all three panels. Clubs may also choose to enter only one or two panels but will not then be entitled to win the overall award.
  3. 2.3  All images shown on a panel must be the work of registered members of the competing club.
  4. 2.4  No person may represent more than one club in the SACC, in any one year.
  5. 2.5  A maximum of two images from an individual may appear on a panel, therefore the maximum number of images for one photographer over all three panels is six images.
  6. 2.6  All images used in the competition shall be the original work of the author. Where the SACC requests proof of authorship that proof shall be provided without delay.
  7. 2.7  Images used in previous SACC Interclub Competitions are not eligible.
  8. 2.8  Maximum mount size is 50cm x 40cm (20 x 16 inches). Where necessary the SACC committee shall decide which prints are ineligible.
  9. 2.9  Prints may not be mounted on block-board, chipboard or similar materials, or be presented in frames, with or without glass. Such prints will not be displayed
  10. 2.10  Digital images for projection must be 2,400 pixels on the longest side @ 300 DPI, jpeg quality 10.
  11. 2.11  Protests may be made where a club believes that any of the rules have been infringed by another club. The protest must be made to a member of the SACC committee. Penalties up to and including the disqualification of a club from the competition may be imposed.
  12. 2.12  Scoring in the competition shall be on the basis of the official score sheet approved by the SACC committee. Each judge will score independently. Results shall be based on the aggregate scores given by all judges to each competing panel.

2.14 The judges’ decision shall be final.

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3. Submission of Entries

  1. 3.1  Each club is responsible for displaying their own panels on the display boards provided by the SACC committee on the morning of the competition. Details about cutoff time will be published prior to event. Panels should not be sent to the committee prior to the event.
  2. 3.2  All entries require a completed entry form, together with the appropriate entry fee (payable to the SACC) to be received prior to closing date.
    • Projected Panels
      Images for projected panels should be resized to 2,400 pixels on longest edge, 300 DPI, jpg quality 10. The jpgs should be renamed 1.jpg through to 10.jpg respectively and match exactly the same numbers and sequence submitted on your entry form. A thumbnail view of all ten images on should also be provided.
    • Print Panels
      See rule 2.8 & 2.9 for print entry conditions. In addition, the following must be provided:
      A4printed thumbnail layout sheet for both colour and monochrome print panels. This panel layout also needs to be provided on disc.
      Finally, you also need to provide thumbnails of all images entered. 1,024 pixels on longest edge is sufficient.
  3. 3.3  Each print must carry the name of the author and club.
  4. 3.4  The images must be displayed in the order in which they are listed on the entry form.
  5. 3.5  Neither the SACC nor the host club shall be responsible for loss or damage to entries.
  6. 3.6  Prints may not be removed from display boards until after the conclusion of the awards ceremony.
  7. 3.7  Prints and discs/memory sticks must be collected at the conclusion of the competition. Clubs will have to pay a fee to have uncollected panels returned.
  8. 3.8  The SACC reserves the right to publish any image entered in the Interclub Competition, with due acknowledgement and without payment of a fee, for the purposes of promoting the event and the SACC. This includes, but is not limited to, use on the SACC website. The copyright of all such images remains with their respective authors

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• The Conduct of the SACC Interclub Competition

  1. 4.1  The Interclub Competition shall take place under the supervision of the SACCcommittee, who shall act as the Official Referee.
  2. 4.2  All SACC Interclub Competitions shall be adjudicated by judges appointed by the SACC committee. This will normally be three persons.
  3. 4.3  The judges’ decision is final and no discussion of that decision shall be entered into. It is not permissible to publicly dispute the judges’ decision or comment at any time during the competition, up to and including the awards ceremony. Breach of this rule by a member of a club may lead to disqualification of that club’s entry.
  4. 4.4  The results of the competition will be announced on the day of the competition. Presentation of awards will immediately follow the announcement.
  5. 4.5  Entry into the competition shall be deemed to be acceptance of the rules of the competition.
  6. 4.6  The SACC committee’s decision in all matters relating to the SACC Interclub Competition shall be final.
  7. 4.7  Where any person or club considers that a person or club is in breach of these rules, that person or club may lodge a formal complaint in writing with the SACC committee.
  8. 4.8  All entries must conform to the current specification as defined by FIAP in each category for Monochrome prints and Colour prints.
  9. 4.9  SACC is not responsible for any loss or damage to prints.



Thank you to everyone who has been in contact with queries about the National Shield 2017. The information on this email is primarily aimed at clubs who have been busily selecting panels for the competition and will be followed by updates in the weeks ahead.

Please carefully read the competition rules, especially rules relating to two images from LIPF holders being allowed on each panel and the number of images per photographer. 

Note that Licentiate holders who have won national or international awards, or who have successfully gained multiple acceptances in international competitions, may not have images entered in the competition. If you are in any way unsure about this rule, please contact me. I’m pleased to note that the decision to admit a limited number of LIPF holders into the competition, which was in response to requests from several clubs, has been generally very well received across the country.

At registration, image titles must be provided on an A4 sheet, in list form numbered from 1-8, starting with the first image on the top left-hand corner of your panel. The sheet must NOT contain the name of the club or any photographer. This list will be available to the judges during the judging process and is intended to be an aid to the judging process. Again, please note what it says in the rules.

Please also note the specifications for size of mounts and the images contained in them.

Note also that photograph details (photographer’s name, club and image title) must be fixed to the back lower-half of each mount. Do not fix the title to the upper half please, as this makes it visible from the oposite side of the display panel.

Sunday, 12th November, is the closing date for receipt of entries. The entry fee is €80.

The programme for the day will be announced closer to the date of the competition. Registration will commence at 9am on Sunday, 26th November, in the Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick.

 Meanwhile, I recommend you have a look at this link on the IPF website –

SACC Interclub Competition 2017 Report

The SACC Interclub Competition, which took place on April 9th, was another successful event for the organisation. It was held in the Loreto Convent in Kilkenny with 10 clubs taking part and a large number of attendees, particularly in the afternoon during the judges’ review and award ceremony. Thanks to our judges for the day, Deirdre Watson AIPF EFIAP, Frank Condra FIAP EFIAP, and Des Clinton FIPF FRPS EFIAP. They did an excellent job and their analysis of the competing panels were appreciated by all those attending.

Thanks to Kilkenny Photographic Society for hosting the event and arranging refreshments throughout the day and to the various SACC members who helped make the day run smoothly. Additionally, a big thank you is also due to Niamh Whitty, SACC Committee member, for her expert assistance with recording scores and results on the day.

As is usual at our Interclub Competition the SACC AGM was also held. There was also a larger attendance at the AGM and one of the main items on the agenda was handing over the stewardship of the Association to a new committee for the next 2 years. Our thanks to members of the Blarney Camera Club who have filled the various roles on the new committee. The election to the main committee positions was formally conducted with the following members from Blarney filling these roles:

  • Mark Gorman – Chairman
  • Ger O’Halloran – Secretary
  • Tadhg Hurley – Treasurer.

Following the committee election, the secretary, David Barrie, presented the results of a survey conducted among the regional clubs regarding their participation in SACC competitions. This generated considerable discussion from the members in attendance. Much of the debate revolved around how best to encourage clubs and their members to participate in SACC competitions. These suggestions will be taken on board by the incoming committee.

Judging of the print panels tool place during the morning, while the AGM was being held.  Projected panels were judged after lunch. This was followed by a public session during which the judges did an extensive review of all the panels, commenting at length on many individual images .

This was followed by the much anticipated announcement of the results and the presentation of awards. Congratulations to Cork Camera Group who won the competition for the fifth time in a row narrowly beating Blarney Photography Club into second place with Mallow Camera Club taking the third spot.  Blarney won the colour print section with Cork taking top spot in projected images and it was newcomer Blackwater Photographic Society who claimed the best monochrome print title.

Paul Reidy completed a hat trick of awards by adding best overall image title (& best colour print) for Autumn Queen to his IPF and SACC Photographer of the Year titles this year. Well done Paul!  Morgan O’Neill marginally missed out on the overall title, but will be adding his name to best monochrome print and best projected image trophies this year – both trophies already bear his name from previous wins to the engraver will have no problem!

For full results, please go to our Results Page.

We’d again like to thank Jim McSweeney for his wonderful penmanship on the award certificates!

Thanks again for your participation and we look forward to an even bigger event next year!

Thanks to Andy Megan, Kilkenny Photographic Society, for photographing the awards ceremonies. A gallery of his images can be seen below.

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”25″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”120″ thumbnail_height=”90″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”0″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”0″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show slideshow]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]

SACC Interclub 2017 – Now Open for Entries

The SACC Interclub Comeptition 2017 will be held on Sunday April 9th at Loreto Convent School, Grange Road, Kilkenny.

Rules are unchanged since last year and may be viewed on this link. In summary, panels are presented as colour print, monochrome print and projected image. A club may enter one, two or all three panels with ten images per panel. No photographer may be represented more then twice on any given panel.  Prints MUST fit on the panel boards.

We would love to see ALL clubs in the region taking part in the competition!  Don’t forget that a major part of this event is the public exhibition after judging has concluded, and representing your club on a panel is a very proud moment for every photographer.

The entry fee to this competition has remained unchanged from last year.  The fees are:

€30 for one panel
€40 for two panels
€50 for all three panels

Our judges for his years are:

  • Deirdre Watson AIPF EFIAP
  • Frank Condra AIPF EFIAP
  • Des Clinton FIPF FRPS EFIAP

What does my club need to do to enter?

  • Step 1 – Register & Pay by midnight April 2nd (Sunday)

Due to the logistics involved in arranging access to and transporting the panel boards, we need all participating clubs to complete their registration (see below) by Sunday April 2nd. So the first thing you need to do it to tell us you are entering (and which sections you are entering) and pay the entry fee either via Paypal or by sending a cheque to our treasurer Liam at his address below. PayPal is our preferred method of receiving payment. 

The Registration Form is at the foot of this post (Please scroll down)

If you don’t have a PayPal account, payment may be made by cheque to Liam Cahill, SACC Treasurer at the address below. Please include club name, club website, contact name, contact number and contact email address with all correspondence.

Liam Cahill,
SACC Treasurer,
1 The Meadows,
Co. Kilkenny

  • Step 2 – Email completed entry form by April 2nd

Entry forms (the details of the images being submitted – titles and authors) need to be with us by Sunday April 2nd. The entry form for 2017 can be downloaded via this link.  Please complete, save and email a copy to by Sunday April 2nd 2017.  Please study the rules before submitting!

  • Step 3 – Prepare

• Pack double-sided sticky velcro

Lots of it! You’ll need double-sided sticky velcro to attach your prints to the panel boards.

• Watch out for mount size

Maximum mount size is 20 x 16 inches. The dimensions of the panel boards are 8 x 4 feet (96 x 48 inches). Please note that if you are using the maximum size mount, and all mounts on any row are landscape oriented, they are not going to fit on the panel boards. You need to either adjust the layout of your panel, or use slightly smaller mounts.


Event Schedule

  • 09:00 – 10:00 Hanging panels
  • 10:00 – 12:00  Judging Print panels (Print gallery closed to public)
                                  SACC AGM
  • 12:00 – 13:00  Judging Projected panels
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break (Print Gallery open for public viewing)
  • 14:00 – 16:00 Results, judges review and presentation of awards


What to bring on competition day:

To hang Print Panels:

• Prints & velcro. Measuring tapes, spirit levels, laser pointers etc., optional!
• Printed thumbnail view of each overall print panel layout – A4 print ideal on any kind of paper
• Jpg of thumbnail view of each overall panel layout on disc or memory stick
• Jpgs of each image on each print panel (sized to 1024 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick

For Projected Panels:

• Jpg of thumbnail view of projected panel layout (x2, one with name of club included, the other without) on disc or memory stick
• Digital jpgs of each image on projected panel (sized to 2400 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick, numbered 1-10

Registration Issues or Queries

For any issues or queries, please use the contact form on our website and a member of the committee will be in touch.

Please note that only members of paid up clubs will have access to SACC competitions and only paid up clubs will be eligible to enter SACC Interclub Competition. Please refer to fees page to pay your 2017 club fees and provide contact details for your club.


2017 Registration Form:

SACC Interclubs Competition 2017 – Update

The date and venue for the SACC Interclubs Competition 2017 have now been finalised:

  • Date: April 9th
  • Venue:  Loreto Convent School, Grange Road, Kilkenny.

We are currently in the process of finalising the judges for the event.

Full details regarding the competition and the links to the rules and entry form will be published in due course. 

As in previous years, entry panels should be presented as colour print, monochrome print and projected image, with 10 images in each panel (plus 2 substitute images). A club may enter one, two or all three sections. No photographer may be represented more than twice on any given panel.

Clubs should now start selecting images for their panels. We hope that all Association clubs will participate, and enter in as many sections as possible. Please remember that clubs need to be fully paid up members of the Association to compete in this event.