SACC Interclub 2014 Competition – Report


Before we get to the results, we would first like to acknowledge the following people for their support and assistance in making this event possible (in no particular order!);

  • The organising committee at the SACC – Bill Power, John Doheny, John Hogan, Neily Curtin & Niamh Whitty
  • The team from Kilkenny Photographic Society for the manpower transporting panel boards upstairs & downstairs and assembling
  • All the clubs who competed and attended
  • Judges Lorraine Gilligan, Mark Sedgwick & Paul Stanley for their hard work throughout the day
  • Guest Speaker Seamus Costelloe for a super presentation
  • Jason Town for assistance with scoring
  • Cian O’Mahony for presentation photos
  • John Grimes and Limerick & District Photographic Society for the use of their panel boards
  • All involved in donating prizes to raffle (to be published separately)

A very sincere thank you.


Moving on, we are delighted to announce that the overall winners were Cork Camera Group who also won the overall title last year.  Our congratulations to all involved at Cork Camera Group – their achievement this year was all the more remarkable as they not only won the overall title, but they also swept the boards by winning each club panel section (Colour Print, Monochrome Print and Projected Image).

Second place overall went to Wexford Camera Club. Wexford were placed second in Monochrome Print & third in Projected Image.

Congratulations also to Kilkenny Photographic Society on taking third place overall. They were also awarded with third place in Colour Print and  third in Monochrome Print.

Other successful clubs were Mallow Camera Club who finished second in Colour Print and Blarney Photography Club who took second place in Projected Image category.

In individual awards, Best Overall Image and Best Projected Image were won by Ron Bending from Deise Camera Club.  Best Colour Print was won by Michael O’Sullivan from Cork Camera Group and Best Monochrome Print stayed in Kilkenny Photographic Society this year with Seamus Costelloe winning that category.

Winning panels and individual winners are shown below. Further images from presentation ceremony available in this gallery.

For full results, please go to our results page.

SACC Interclub 2014 – Schedule & Guest Speaker

We’re delighted to welcome Seamus Costelloe FIPF SWPP/BPPA as our special guest speaker at this year’s SACC Interclub Competition and hope that you will all take the opportunity to attend what is sure to be a great presentation! This talk is titled ‘My Passion for Photography’ and will include prints and a practical demo on using natural light along with a talk about his work. Members from all clubs are invited to attend, regardless if they are taking part in the competition.

Cover charge €2 – see flyer for more details.

Once again we extend our thanks to the members of Kilkenny Photographic Society who are helping to host the event and to Limerick & District Photographic Society for the use of their panel boards.

The judges are Lorraine Gilligan FIPF,  Mark Sedgwick FIPF EFIAP & Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP.

Finally, we’d like to take this opportunity to wish all clubs the very best of luck.

The schedule for the day is outlined below and while we will do our best to ensure we follow it as closely as possible, please bear in mind that some parts of the day are always unscripted!

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SACC Interclub Competition 2014


The annual and highly contested SACC Interclub Competition for 2014 takes place on March 23rd in the Skyline Suite at Hotel Kilkenny. We’ll be announcing further details & full schedule shortly including a special guest speaker.  Right now though, if your club is going to enter, then they need to read this post and get their entry fee in on time to guarantee their space.

What does your club need to do to enter?

• Pay the entry fee by Friday 14th March 2014

You may pay online via paypal button below (preferred), or by cheque to SACC Treasurer John Hogan (John Hogan, Kilpatrick, Ballyclough, Mallow, Co.Cork). If you cannot pay by Friday 14th March, you MUST contact us via contact page to confirm that your club will be entering. Fees remain unchanged; €20 for one panel, €30 for two panels & €40 for all three.

Please select the number of panels your club is entering:
Club Name (*required):

• Complete the entry form and send it to by Friday 21st March 2014

The entry form for 2014 can be downloaded via this link. You must mail completed form to by Friday 21st March 2014

• Study the rules and get your panels organised

Please read Interclub Rules 2014 (no change since last year) and work with your club to assemble your panels!

• Pack double-sided sticky velcro

Lots of it! You’ll need double-sided sticky velcro to attach your prints to the panel boards.

• Watch out for mount size

Maximum mount size is 20 x 16 inches. The dimensions of the panel boards are 8 x 4 feet (96 x 48 inches). Please note that if you are using the maximum size mount, and all mounts on any row are landscape oriented, they are not going to fit on the panel boards. You need to either adjust the layout of your panel, or use slightly smaller mounts.

• Hang panels

Panels must be hung between 9am-10.30am on Sunday 23rd March in Skyline Suite at Hotel Kilkenny. Full schedule coming shortly.

• What to bring on competition day?

• For Print Panels:

• Prints & velcro. Measuring tapes, levels, laser pointers etc optional!
• Printed thumbnail view of each overall print panel layout – A4 print ideal on any kind of paper
• Jpg of thumbnail view of each overall panel layout on disc or memory stick
• Jpegs of each image on each print panel (sized to 1024 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick

• For Projected Panels:

• Jpg of thumbnail view of projected panel layout (x2, one with name of club included, the other without) on disc or memory stick
• Digital jpgs of each image on projected panel (sized to 2400 pixels on longest edge) on disc or memory stick, numbered 1-10

SACC Photography Draw 2014



With the support of many of the top photographers in our region, we are delighted to announce that we are holding a Photography Draw on Sunday, March 23rd 2014 at the SACC Interclub Competition (details of venue etc for that competition will be posted in coming days).

The top prize is an ‘Images of Light‘ workshop very generously donated by John Hooton. John is an internationally acclaimed landscape photographer and the winner of this prize will be the envy of all their photographer friends!

Those lucky enough to claim one of the second place prizes will also be the envy of their peers as they go home with one of five gorgeous framed prints donated by fellows of the region; Iñaki Hernandez, Michael O’Sullivan, Morgan O’Neill, Niamh Whitty & Seamus Costello.

We’ll also have other smaller prizes on the day 🙂

Tickets are only €5 each and are being distributed through clubs.  Please get in touch with us if your club hasn’t received any yet.  This is a limited draw – once tickets are gone, there won’t be any more released, so get yours fast!!  All ticket stubs must be returned to SACC by 17th March.

Online ticket sales are now closed!  Last of tickets on sale Sunday 23rd at Hotel Kilkenny before draw takes place.

SACC Nature Competition 2014 – Report

Mahers Logo IPF copyCongratulations to all the medallists and award winners at SACC Regional Round of IPF National Nature Competition which took place on Sunday January 26th 2014 at The Amelian Theatre, Mallow, Co.Cork. The IPF National Nature Competition 2013/2014 is sponsored by Mahers Photographic.  Once again, we saw an increase in both the number of photographers and number of images entered. Thank you all for your continued support of this competition.

Special congratulations to David Barrie from Kilkenny Photographic Society who won the overall award for best image with his image “Herring Gull Feeding”

Thank you to the SACC Committee (Bill Power, John Doheny, John Hogan, Neily Curtin & Niamh Whitty) who organised the event and to Eileen Sykes, Peggy O’Brien and the rest of the enthusiastic team of helpers from Mallow Camera Club who helped the competition run so smoothly. Thanks to Cork Camera Group for the use of their lightbox, to Gerard Spillane caretaker of the theatre and to Geraldine Doheny and the team of ladies who kept us fed.  Thanks also to the judges; Jack Malins & Mark Sedgwick who provided invaluable feedback via their commentary on the day. Our thanks to the team at Picturk & to IPF Nature Co-ordinator Michael O’Sullivan for all their work before the event.  Last but not least, a big thank you to Mahers Photographic who travelled to the event and were on hand all day showing their equipment and answering questions.  Those wish lists have just got a little longer!

Results of all the winners available to view here along with a list of all qualified images. Your individual scores will be sent to you by Picturk in the next few days. Please note that if you presented an image for judging and it shows as score of zero, this indicates that the judges disqualified your image as it did not meet the requirements of nature photography (as defined by FIAP for the FIAP sections, or as defined by the rules of ‘The Natural World” section for images in its section).

We’d love to post up all the winning images, but as the competition is ongoing, it wouldn’t be appropriate to identify images with photographers until judging of finals is complete. You can view the award winners receiving their awards over in the gallery.

Cut off points as follows for qualification to national finals (max score per image – 18 points):

  • Projected Open: 11 and above
  • Projected Theme: 12 and above
  • Projected Natural World: 11 and above
  • Colour Open: 11 and above
  • Colour Theme: 13 and above

The IPF National Nature Competition Final takes place on February 23rd at Hotel Kilkenny.

SACC Nature – Schedule & Directions

 SACC Regional Qualifier of IPF National Nature Competition 2014

For more information about this competition, please refer to this article.  Schedule for the day and directions are included below. While we’ll do our very best to ensure that we follow it as closely as possible, please bear in mind that we are a team of volunteers who have already put considerable time into planning and organising this event.  We are doing the best we can and we expect to be treated with courtesy at all times by everyone participating  in the competition.

Directions Follow signposts as you arrive in Mallow and/or follow directions to St. Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow, Co.Cork which is beside The Amelian Theatre where competition is taking place.
8.30am-9.30am Handover of print entries.
Prints for Nature must have been pre-registered via online system.
Prints that have not been pre-registered will not be accepted.
9.30am-10.30am Judges preview (private)
10.30am  Judging starts with prints and will continue until all prints are judged (both open and themed sections).
Following this we move onto projected images.  There will be a short recess as we switch from prints to projected images.
1pm-2pm (estimated) Lunch Break
2pm (estimated) Judging resumes with with the remaining sections of projected images. There will be a short break once judging is complete which will be followed by awards ceremony.
4.30pm (estimated) Awards ceremony
Images that do not qualify for national finals can be collected AFTER awards ceremony.

Mahers Logo IPF copy

SACC Fees 2014


SACC Fees for 2014 are now due for payment

Please note:

From January 2014 the SACC will collect annual fees on behalf of the IPF.  The joint collection of regional and IPF fees was passed by the IPF Council in 2012 and approved at the 2013 SACC AGM for this region.  The fees themselves have not changed; they are simply being combined for collection in one single payment. This fee is payable by your club at the start of January each year and allows clubs and individual club members to participate in SACC/IPF competitions and other SACC/IPF events throughout the year.

Please see this article on IPF Website for further details.

Combined Fee Small Club: €125 (SACC Fee: €50 + IPF Small Club Fee: €75)
Combined Fee Large Club: €150 (SACC Fee: €50 + IPF Large Club Fee: €100)

Pay now over on our Fees Page – where you will find payment methods and also a contact form which all clubs must fill out – regardless if payment has already been received for 2014.  We can’t keep clubs up to date on events and news without up to date contacts!!

SACC Regional Qualifier of IPF National Nature Competition 2014

Mahers Logo IPF copyThe SACC Regional Qualifier of the IPF National Nature Competition 2014 in association with Mahers Photographic will be held on Sunday, January 26th @ Amelian Theatre, Mallow, Co.Cork.  Full schedule for the day will be released before event.

There are a couple of changes to the competition this year, including the introduction of a new projected category called ‘The Natural World’. Images in this category only do NOT need to meet the FIAP Nature requirements.  The other change relates to the introduction of advanced/intermediate levels at National Finals. Please read this article on IPF website for further information and refer to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ at the end of this article for more info on how to enter.

Please note:

  • Your images must be entered via online system ( by midnight on Friday January 24th.  Projected images must be registered and uploaded, while print entries need to have their titles entered.  There is also an option on the online entry form to enter on behalf of someone else (or have someone else register your entries if you aren’t comfortable using computers).
  • Prints MUST be presented in 20″x16″ mount.
  • Prints which do not qualify for finals may not be collected until released at the end of the competition day by SACC committee.
  • It is your responsibility to read and understand the rules prior to entering. If you have any queries, please contact us via the contact page!
Where Amelian Theatre, Mallow, Co.Cork
When Sunday, January 26th 2014
Entry Fee One section: €10
Two sections: €15
Three sections: €20
Four or more sections: €25
Sections Open sections:

  • Colour Print (FIAP)
  • Projected Image (FIAP)
  • NEW – Projected – The Natural World

Themed sections:

  • Colour Print – Peatland Ireland (FIAP)
  • Projected Image – Birds Feeding (FIAP)

In addition, the SACC will be awarding certificates for

Best Flora
Best Fungi
Best Bug

(Best flora, fungi & bug are SACC awards and not applicable for national finals)

How many images You may enter up to three images in each of the open sections and up to two images in each of the themed sections.
How do I enter               Entry must be completed via
Nature photography definition Nature photography definition
Who are the judges Mark Sedgwick FIPF EFIAP – Celbridge Camera Club
Jack Malins ARPS – Wicklow Camera Club
Awards Medals will be awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in open sections for both intermediate and advanced.
A medal will be awarded to first place in themed sections (providing that there are at least 10 photographers entered, otherwise a certificate will be awarded).
Certificates will be awarded for best flora, fungi and bug.
Certificates for honourable mentions will also be awarded.
Rules Full rules for this competition available on this link on IPF Website
Further info For further information about the new category and other changes, please refer to this article on IPF Website
Closing date Midnight on Friday January 24th, 2014


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enter?

Entry & payment this is via online system which can be accessed here:

When is the closing date?

Midnight, Friday January 24th.

Do I need a Paypal account to enter?

No. You can use Paypal as a guest user without creating an account.

What type of cards can I use with Paypal?

PayPal accepts the following cards:

  • Visa / Delta / Electron
  • MasterCard / Eurocard
  • PayPal Top Up Card
  • Maestro
  • American Express

Debit cards (also known as bank cards) are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo.

What do I need to do if I’m entering projected images?

As well as registering your details and paying the entry fee, you need to upload the images as part of the entry process and provide titles for the images in the boxes provided. Jpgs only, sized to 2400 pixels maximum on longest edge.  If you are entering projected images only and no prints, once you have finished this process and paid online, you are all set.

I’m only entering prints in the competition. Do I still need to enter online?

Yes. For print entries, you need to register  your details along with the titles for the images and pay the entry fee. You do not need to upload a copy of the file. You need to bring the prints on the morning of the competition to receive your competition ID. Your prints must be clearly labelled on the back with your name, image title, competition category, level (intermediate/advanced), camera club and the unique entry ID you will receive when you complete online entry. Minimum print size 10″x8″, however all prints must be mounted in a 20″x16″ mount. Your entry ID will look something like this “bfbrabaqybr-DPO-0000002508”. Please ensure this number is on the back of your print and bring along a copy of your entry form printed from website.

I’m not comfortable using computers or I don’t have internet access, can I get a friend/colleague to enter for me?

Yes. On the online entry form, there is an option to facilitate this.  Your friend/colleague must tick the box that says “Click here if you are entering photographs for another photographer” and fill out the details required.

I want to turn up and enter on the day of the competition. Can I do this?

No. All entries must be pre-registered by competition closing date.

An Evening with Anne Greiner MPAGB & Rod Wheelans AMPA FIPF FRPS MFIAP MPAGB

The SACC is delighted to announce details of the second of two talks taking place in and around Cork City in the coming weeks in association with the 1st Cork International Salon of Photography.

Come join us for an evening with two of Scotland’s finest photographers, Anne Greiner MPAGB & Rod Wheelans AMPA FIPF FRPS MFIAP MPAGB.

Monday, 09 December 2013 at 8.00pm
Venue: Mercy Centre, Mallow (directions here – labelled on map as Mallow Camera Club)
Entry fee: €5 per person

rod ann

Cork 1st International Salon of Photography are delighted to recognise Canon as title sponsors of their salon.


An Evening with Barry Mead FRPS EFIAP/p MPAGE

The SACC is delighted to announce details of the first of two talks taking place in and around Cork City in the coming weeks in association with the 1st Cork International Salon of Photography.

Come join us for an evening with Barry Mead FRPS, EFIAP/p, MPAGE as he shows his award winning imagery.

Thursday, 05 December 2013 at 7.30pm
Venue: Tara Suite, Silversprings Conference Centre Cork
Entry fee: €5 per person

barry mead



Cork 1st International Salon of Photography are delighted to recognise Canon as title sponsors of their salon.